Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I've Been Tagged Again!

5 Things I was doing 10 years ago:
  1. Working at Subway
  2. Starting my junior year of high school
  3. My best friend was Amy Neilson
  4. My future husband was starting his first semester of college
  5. Figuring out how to drive

5 things on my to-do list today:

  1. Catch up on emails
  2. File documents and bills
  3. Clean the bathrooms
  4. Laundry
  5. Dentist Appointment

5 Snacks I enjoy:

  1. Cinnamon Rolls
  2. Cold Stone
  3. Salt Water Taffy
  4. Chocolate Covered Gummy Bears (favorite)
  5. Warm Chocolate Chip Cookies

5 Songs I know the lyrics to:

  1. I Am a Child of God
  2. Popcorn Popping
  3. Pat-A-Cake
  4. Itsy Bitsy Spider
  5. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

5 Things I would do if I was a millionaire:

  1. Buy a house
  2. Get regular massages
  3. Go on trips, lots of trips
  4. Save most of it for retirement
  5. Start college funds for our kids

5 Bad Habits:

  1. I don't get dressed first thing in the morning and my daughter has to go and get my clothes for me and tell me to get ready.
  2. I leave my clothes on the floor and usually have a big pile by the end of the week. (This gives Hannah a good choice of clothes to choose from to get me dressed.)
  3. I clean the laundry, but it takes me days to get it folded and usually by the prompting of my husband because he has no underwear left.
  4. I spend too much time on the phone.
  5. I go shopping for myself and end up buying more for my daughter than for me.

5 Things I'd never wear again:

  1. A mullet (from kindergarten)
  2. Stone washed jeans
  3. Shoulder pads
  4. Holiday themed jewelry (turkey earrings)
  5. Holiday themed anything!

5 Things I like to do:

  1. Tickle Hannah
  2. Watch Movies
  3. Make a good dinner and enjoy it with my family
  4. Shop on clearance
  5. Play games with friends

5 Favorite Toys:

  1. My planner
  2. My new basket for papers to be organized
  3. My sewing kit
  4. Bosch Mixer
  5. Piano

5 People I Tag:

  1. Melissa Bamfo
  2. Leah Powell
  3. Angie Hamblin
  4. Kerstin James
  5. Lisa Allen

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