Monday, December 17, 2007

Baby Update: It's Time!

I've grown a little person! Babies come in all sizes, though the average newborn is 7 1/2 pounds and 20 inches from head to toe. Everything is ready for our new arrival. The clothes are washed, the cards are out, the presents are wrapped and Grandma Powell has arrived to help. We are very excited to meet our new little one tomorrow morning. Brent and I will be heading to the hospital at 5:30 am to go through all of the preparations and some monitoring of the baby. The c-section is scheduled for 7:30 am and should last about an hour or less. I should only be in recovery for about an hour and then I will be taken to my room. I will most likely be in the hospital until Friday morning. Updates and pictures will be coming soon, although they may not come until I am home. We'll keep you posted. Thank you for the love and support throughout this adventurous journey. We love you all!

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